Enjoy the amenities and facilities at the traumhouse lodge
and make your tour memorable and comfortable.
Swimming Pool
At Traum House Lodge, you can take the opportunity to unwind in our swimming pool. Enjoy the experience of warm water surrounded by beautiful Ixora flowers.
Outdoor Kitchen
Interested in BBQ? Grilling? Plain old-style Cooking? Our outdoor kitchen is there for your enjoyment. All can have fun with an old-fashioned coal-powered BBQ Grill or an electric-operated one.
Why not try relaxing in our gazebo? Gently swing in a hammock surrounded by a canopy of combretum indicum, also commonly known as the Rangoon creeper, with visits from hummingbirds.
Wi-fi, internal filtered water, hot beverages (tea and coffee), and Netflix are provided.
Special requests for local cuisine may be considered at cost.
Nearby Eating Places
List of eating places nearby traumhouselodge you can visit.